Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Follow These 05 Effective Tips To Measure Remote Employee Productivity Efficiently

2020 has literally shown us how crucial, remote working can be! It has shown us the massive adaptation and improved acceptance (both begrudging and enthusiastic) of the remote workplace. However, there is a big difference in having less remote employees versus the entire bunch of employees working remotely. And, this is going to be one of the biggest challenges for all the companies out there! If the work from the home process continues.

Now, we are not sure when this pandemic will end! It is still a big question among all of us. So, in such a scenario, we should admit the fact that the acceptance of "work from home" is the only way for the companies and its employees to be 100% safe from the deadly virus. Since employees will be working remotely, the most vital question that arises in every employers mind is- How do I know if the employees are actually working or not? Well, it is common for every company to come up with such questions. 

And to help them a bit, we are going to list down some excellent tips on how you can measure remote employee productivity in the best manner. So, without wasting any time, let us simply get into the article!

1. Establish A Baseline

Before you move ahead, you need to set up a foundation that will help you to work systematically without spending much time. To do this effortlessly, you first need to compute per days business output to divide it by the total number of employees contributing to it. For example, if you have a business that works on client support, then you have to count on the number of calls made daily. After that, divide those calls from the number of executives included. Now, you have the data, use this to set up the baseline.

2. Determine Layoff Zones

Right after setting up the baseline, step forward to determine layoff in your employees. Here, your goal should be to reduce these areas because this directly impacts on the company’s growth to increase the output. In case you are a business assisting home delivery, then avoid employees returning to the office to pick some stuff that they forgot to take with them. Raise awareness among them to make them responsible and prompt. Also, it will help you set up a better team workload management.

3. Keep Going

Measuring employees productivity is not a one-time approach. You will need to do it often to gather accurate data without a hitch. For a better hold, create slots of six-six months, where you determine employees work efficiency to do it regularly.

4. Keep An Eye On Employees Activity

Once done with the above two approaches, it is time to track your employees individually to know whether they are contributing actually or misusing the working hours. Create a spreadsheet, where you can record their daily output clearly to distinguish among achievers, under-performers, and average employees.

For instance, In a team of five employees, if four are delivering the desired outcome, but the fifth employee fails to do so. Then, it is the managers responsibility to talk with him and share the reason behind it. Overall, it can be an excellent way to do remote employee monitoring

5. Motivation Is Indeed Necessary!

Measuring remote employee productivity is equally crucial to boosting productivity. If you want to make the most out of employees, consider motivation as an influential factor. Motivated employees are more likely to contribute their 100% percent effort to the company's progress. What more, you can do is:-

6. Treat your employees in a way that makes them feel like they are worth it.

Instead of dictating straight orders, organize a session to discuss clear goals with them. It is the best way to influence them to work better than before.

Make sure to provide proper training to your employees so that they will not have any confusion and will provide 100% productivity.

Also watch: How To Measure Productivity Of Employee According To The Days In A Week With EmpMonitor?


So, these were some of the top 05 practices that one can use to make a smooth workflow in the remote workplace. Tracking remote employee productivity is not a big deal! You only need to look for really efficient ways, and yes, since employees are working remotely, make sure to have a close look at their point of view as well. 

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